Sunday 17 November 2013

Saturday 9 November 2013


Don't stress out!

Did you know?
- more than 70% of IB students sleep less than 6 hours a day?
- more than 30% of high school students around the world have bad eating habits?
- Only 12% of them can afford regular exercise?

 Many of us students are dying from tones and tones of works given by school. When there are tests, assignments are always due at the same date to stress us out. This makes our regular lives scrambled up, so that we have to work over night one day and sleep the other day. This not only makes us tired, but also destroys our body images. Everyone wants to look good when they go to school in the morning, but it is almost impossible to make perfect body shape desired.

Now here are some factors you can follow

Firstly: never procrastinate

It may sound simple and irrelevant to keeping your health. But seriously, IB or any other studies are made to help you; there never are too much works to do in one day if you don't delay them to the deadline. if you keep this kind of behaviors, you will eventually have plenty of time to have extra life style, which will help you keep in shape.

Secondly: eat healthy

Now to the boring part. most people never wants to eat healthy, because eating is one of not many ways to relieve stress gained from hard works. However, if you eat all fatty foods and not exercise, you will get obesity leading to diabetes. These diseases seem to be nothing, but they kill you by destroying your body shape and making you more lenient than ever. Example of healthy food you have to consume for both healthy brain and body, are mainly fruits, nuts and green vegetables.

Thirdly: carry out simple exercises

It is very important that you not only exercise often but also regularly. I know that many of students including myself have no time for exercises, but there are some simple exercises you can carry out at home to keep healthy life. Stretching is the best way to loosen stiff muscles from the long works. Researches show that twice of people who stretch regularly in their work stations tend to have better body shapes compared to who don't. Exercises apart from simple stretching would be push-ups or sit-ups which you can sweat yourself and also able to build muscles.

Lastly: do socialize

No one said that studying for the whole life is the best way to succeed. You also need socializing. When you socialize, you will also be able to find out how your friends are doing to keep their bodies in shape. In fact, when you socialize with other people you are not only sitting on a couch to relief stress but going out for more movements, which prevents you a lot from destroying body shapes.

As a summation, do exercise regularly, eat healthy and socialize, but please refrain yourselves from procrastinating. These are key steps to build your body when you are in situation where nothing but studies are possible.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Health Photograph Notes

Topic: How women get anorexia
- women these days tend to be on diet until they put themselves into extreme position
- as the picture is showing, though whatever others say, on their eyes they still need to lose weight
- by putting mirror, picture is showing what we see is a skinny girl but what they see is fat
- many girls have anorexia from insufficient consumptions rather than working out
- in crucial conditions, this actually can cause to death
- in Korea, many women get anorexia from throwing up whatever they eat
   - this causes them to have not enough nutritions to survive, leading to deaths
- governments in many countries are advertising to reduce the risks

Thursday 24 October 2013

Diary Entry

Dear Diary,

 Today, my best friend DongWoo talked to me about his problem. When he was in grade 10, he used to be like any other people in our class, but as soon as he became grade 11, he turned his whole life to be lenient. Every day, he would not play sports with us anymore, but would just sit there and eat. What has brought him as a result was obesity. Then now, he talks to me he wants to lose weight. He is not proud of his body image anymore. Now, I had 3 options he could choose from, first is exercising regularly, second is changing eating habits, and third is to be chosen at last, having surgery.  I strongly suggested him that exercising will maintain his body image to the point he wants, but he chose the wrong option, the liposuction. He said liposuction is easy to carry out, there are no need for exercises nor eating less. However, as I researched about liposuction, I found that many people who does liposuction carry out side effects from surgery and tend to gain weights again after liposuction as their habits haven't changed. I would like to tell DongWoo about the bad influences about liposuction, "cheating", I would like to call it, to become fitter. In fact, I will ask him to go to gym with me although it won't be everyday, but it certainly will help him to maintain good health and get rid of lenient behaviors.